Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Althea Contraceptives

Thanks to the explosion of Fukushima Debendetti

usually do not read newspapers. They are of a vulgarity that the Supreme Baudelaire said that those who are not disgusted to read ...
a moment is enough to look into the pit where they are lying lasciviously on a steely as triclinic, with their big face square, the leather waste paper, the ink bled, unintended errors, the poverty of their prosette Prosit! continue ...
must watch from afar. Woe to approach ...
These days, for example, there is no need to be too public to browse through Re. Intravedetelo from above the pit where it is gently lowered for burial mattutina. 
Il giornale della famiglia Debenedetti la sta dando via spesso nelle ultime ore... con avanzi e disavanzi... sulla questione nucleare non fan per gioco. La  prima pagina (coperchio di bara) da quasi una settimana è dedicata al disastro della centrale nucleare di Fukushima. 
Sembrerebbe un atto amorevole, un attaccamento alla gente, ai lettori, alle sensibilità.
Per favore. E' vendemmia intensiva, insetticidi e ogm.
Oltre alla volgarità di certe zone di scrittura giornalistica, di sensibile c'è solo la saccoccia del portafoglio. 
Il tenutario King Charles Public Debendetti is none other than the entrepreneur who controls the CIR, the holding company that has built the infamous Sorgenia company for renewable energy alternatives sensitive green pea ... etc..
There is no piece of amorous discourse with the people, special inspirations, sacrifices ... is simply a way to make shoes for other competing entrepreneurs who invest on a rival energy source, nuclear energy.

How long ago Sabina Guzzanti Abruzzo said that the earthquake had been a panacea for Berlusconi (and probably it was in terms of image and revenue) and for entrepreneurs who sneered intercepted from the bottom of their beds creamy so today someone (even Guzzanti why not? or Santorini) may terminate this huge conflict of interest that entangles the lender of the mainstream left-wing journalism.
may .. . could.


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